Lectures, courses, and seminars in former terms
Summer Term 2022:
- Lecture Mathematik II für Studierende der Informatik (Mathematics II for students of computer sciences)
- Introductory seminar Kombinatorik (Combinatorics)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Winter Term 2021/22:
- Lecture Portfolio Management (joint with Prof. Dr. E. Lütkebohmert-Holtz)
- Lecture Mathematical Methods for Economics and Finance
- Introductory seminar Entscheidungsverfahren (decision-making procedures)
Summer Term 2021:
- Lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (Stochastics for students of computer sciences)
- Introductory seminar Diskrete Finanzmathematik (discrete financial mathematics)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics (for B.Sc. students)
- Tutorial for Practical Exercises in Stochastics (for 2 major bachelor students)
Winter Term 2020/21:
- Lecture Mathemaical Statistics
- Introductory seminar BUCH der Beweise (Proofs from THE BOOK)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Summer Term 2020:
- Computational Finance
- Lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (Stochastics for students of computer sciences)
- Introductory seminar Spieltheorie (Game Theory)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Winter Term 2019/20:
- Lecture Mathematische Statistik (Mathematical Statistics)
- Lecture Erweiterung der Analysis (Extensions in Analysis)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Summer Term 2019:
- Lecture Stochastische Integration und Finanzmathematik (Stochastic Integration and Financial Mathematics)
- Lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (Stochastics for students of computer sciences)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Winter Term 2018/19:
- Lecture Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
- Support for the lecture Mathematische Statistik (apl. Prof. Tappe)
- Support for the lecture Erweiterung der Analysis (Prof. Pfaffelhuber)
Summer Term 2018:
- Lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (Stochastics for students of computer sciences)
- Computational Finance
- Practical Exercises in Stochastics
Winter Term 2017/18:
- Lecture Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (Probability Theory)
- Computational Finance
- Lecture Mehrfachintegrale (Multiple Integrals)
Summer Term 2017:
Lecture Stochastik (second part of the two-term course)
Seminar "BUCH der Beweise" (Proofs from THE BOOK)
Support for the lecture Mathematik II für Studierende des Ingenieurwesens (Prof. Pfaffelhuber)
Support for the lecture Stochastik für Studierende der Informatik (JProf. Harms)
Winter Term 2016/17:
Lecture Stochastik (first part of the two-term course)
Support for the Proseminar Biomathematik (Prof. Pfaffelhuber)
Support for the Master-Seminar Stochastik (Prof. Schmidt)